Saturday, July 9, 2011

Vega – Open Source Cross Platform Web-Application Security Assessment Platform

Vega is an open source platform to test the security of web applications. Vega can help you find and validate SQL Injections, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), inadvertently disclosed sensitive information, and other vulnerabilities. It is written in Java, GUI based, and runs on Linux, OS X, and Windows.
Vega includes an automated scanner for quick tests and an intercepting proxy for tactical inspection. Vega can be extended using a powerful API in the language of the web: Javascript.

  • Automated Crawler and Vulnerability Scanner
  • Consistent UI
  • Website Crawler
  • Intercepting Proxy
  • Content Analysis
  • Extensibility through a Powerful Javascript Module API
  • Customizable alerts
  • Database and Shared Data Model
There are also modules for:
  • Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
  • SQL Injection
  • Directory Traversal
  • URL Injection
  • Error Detection
  • File Uploads
  • Sensitive Data Discovery
There is documentation for getting started here or check out the intro to the Vega Proxy here.

You can download Vega here:
Windows – 32-bit/64-bit

Linux – 32-bit/64-bit
Or read more here.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Faster password hashes cracking based on the DES algorithm on CPUs

Openwall released an updated version of John the Ripper, a password security auditing tool and open source project, providing the community with improvements in the performance of cracking password hashes based on the DES algorithm on CPUs.

In an effort led by Roman Rusakov and Alexander Peslyak, the Openwall team’s breakthrough for more optimal DES S-box expressions provides a 17 percent improvement over the previous best results.

The S-box expressions generated under this effort are being made publicly available, are not copyrighted and are free for reuse by anyone.

Since 1998, numerous attempts have been made to arrive at more optimal DES S-box expressions. During the past year, Openwall researchers developed an idea to approach the optimization problem differently and, as a result, were able to design and successfully implement a new algorithm that significantly improves upon the corresponding prior results.

This new approach is easily adaptable to arbitrary sets of "logic gates." The team has generated different S-box expressions targeting both typical CPUs with only basic instructions and CPUs/GPUs that have "bit select" instructions. The mentioned improvement over the corresponding previous best results is achieved in both cases.

Besides generating simpler S-box expressions in terms of gate count, efficiency of the corresponding program code was considered and thousands of different same-gate-count expressions were created to generate the best possible code for specific CPU and GPU architectures.

Further, the Openwall researchers implemented and ran special-purpose CPU register allocation and code generation algorithms with intertwined S-box expression and code generation stages, allowing for a further performance boost of the resulting program code.

“The researchers at Openwall deserve significant recognition for discovering and providing a new approach to addressing performance-critical S-box expressions. By providing this new approach free-of-charge through John the Ripper, Openwall is making another major impact on the open source and security communities,” said HD Moore, Rapid7 CSO and Metasploit chief architect.

Ayam Goreng Kunyit

Ayam Goreng Kunyit

Salah satu menu kegemaran ku........!!!


1) Ayam - dipotong kecil (50 gram)
2) Bawang Besar - dihiris nipis (1 biji)
3) Bawang Putih - dihiris nipis (4 ulas)
4) Cili Padi (6 biji)
5) Lobak Merah (1/2 batang)
6) Kacang Panjang - dipotong memanjang (2 batang)
7) Kubis Bunga (10 gram)8) Kunyit (1 sudu kecil)
9) Daun Limau Purut (jika mahu) (beberapa helai)
10) Garam (secukup rasa)
11) Minyak (untuk menggoreng)


Gaul ayam bersama kunyit dan sedikit garam. Perap seketika.

Goreng ayam hingga sedikit garing. Selepas beberapa ketika toskan minyaknya. Biar ayam dalam kuali.

Guna kuali sama, masukkan lobak, kacang panjang, bawang putih, bawang besar, cili padi, kobis, daun limau purut dan sedikit garam.

Goreng dan gaul semua bahan sebati.

HAPPY EATING and Hunting..!!